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November 2020

Welcome to our 3rd issue of the #TobaccoFreeNJ quarterly newsletter created to keep you in the know. Tobacco Free for a Healthy NJ is a comprehensive tobacco prevention and cessation program funded by the NJ Department of Health, Office of Tobacco Control which works to reduce tobacco use and the negative impact of second hand smoke in all counties of New Jersey.



Tracing the Racist Tactics of the Tobacco Industry

BREAKING NEWS: Big Tobacco has a long history of targeting the Black community with predatory marketing and its racist tactics continue today. In a calling to end Big Tobacco’s racism, truth partnered with Black community members and activists to launch its latest campaign Read Between the Lies. READ MORE

BREAKING NEWS: A new study from the American Cancer Society assessed trends between 2014 and 2018 in the prevalence of e-cigarette use and population count of e-cigarette users, according to combustible cigarette smoking histories, in younger, middle-aged, and older U.S. adults. READ MORE


For more information on smoking cessation help and resources, please click here!


Tobacco Prevention Highlights

Smoke-Free Housing Pledge

Protect your family and loved ones from the health risks of second & thirdhand tobacco smoke by taking this pledge. Your commitment to keeping your home smoke-free will provide your family and guests with a healthier place to live by removing several health risks.

Tobacco use doesn’t just hurt the user, but it also harms the people and animals around them. Secondhand cigarette smoke and the aerosol from Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS) omit heavy metals, toxins and cancer causing chemicals. Take The Pledge!

Statewide Tobacco Champions

On September 24, 2020 TFHNJ was able to host a Statewide Regional Tobacco Collaborative(RTC). During this meeting, members of the RTC were able to discuss the various initiatives we are working on. Also, TFHNJ was able to recognize 2020 Tobacco Champions from each RTC. Various members were recognized for their hard work and dedication to tobacco prevention in the state of New Jersey. TFHNJ is working hard on tobacco prevention and education, and the RTC members play a key role in this. We are able to collaborate together and bring county level education and prevention. Learn More!







Working Well Tobacco Free

As part of our Working Well Tobacco Free (WWTF) initiative, we have established a Working Well Network. This Network intends to bring together those throughout the state who are looking to improve employee wellness and learn about having a tobacco free worksite. We invite business owners, employees and professionals, managers, and chamber of commerce members to join. It is free to join the Network! Members will be provided networking opportunities, educational trainings, resources to strengthen tobacco efforts in the workplace, and opportunities to hear what other businesses are doing to create tobacco free environments. Our first networking event will be on 11/17/20 @ 10AM.

Great American SmokeOut (GASO)- Start with Day One

The Great American SmokeOut enters it’s 44th year on November 19th, 2020. Quitting smoking isn’t easy. It takes time and a plan. You don’t have to stop smoking in one day. Start with day one. Let the Great American Smoke Out event be your day to start the journey toward a smoke-free life. You’ll be joining thousands of people who smoke across the country in taking an important step toward a healthier life.

This year’s #GreatAmericanSmokeOut awareness campaign is happening on


Visit any of the @Incorruptible.Us county pages by searching for your county!

Example: @Incorruptible.Atlantic


Check out our countdown to #GASO -- featurings tips and benefits of being #TobaccoFree!



Tobacco Free Tuesdays Series

Upcoming Webinar:

Addressing Vaping in the Virtual Setting

December 1, 2020, 10:30 A.M.

To access previously recorded webinars and future events, CLICK HERE!


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